Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I am impressed by these learnings of mine...

" I know "life is " is complete sentence without any adjectives .

price & value look almost similar..but what about "priceless " & "valuless ".

Boredom : A desire for desires .

Boredom is the closest state when you are you are closer to your being.

rarest of rare virtue is courage ...courage to be with yourself without any props like ur mobile phone, Mp3 player , laptops , video games ... ur intoxications like drinks ,music..etc..the more you do it ..it is direct signifactor of how uncomfortable you are with your own being...dont run away from yourself...let the bloody mind suffer...let the tyrant suffer..do not give in to its demands...hope is the greatest trick of ego ..kill hope ...hoplessness will automaticaly die. You go to movie ..you watch cricket because you do not know what to do with yourself in your free time.

Osho rightly thundered " Entertainment is poor substitute for Celebration "

What is ..is ..do not wish for "rather " .


Blogger Sameer J. Walgude said...

empty mind... humm... but dude, the mind can never be empty... as soon as it starts emptying, it gets filled with something.

Mind is like a "Sea / Ocean", it can never get empty, it can never get dry but there would be some evaporation (moving out some thoughts / thought-processes) or addition thru rivers (addition of craps)... at the end of the day the mind level is maintained... it may fluctuate depending upon situation... you may have more space / bandwidth to accomodate things... if you wish mind can accomodate the entire world... it would be limitless... absolute limitless, if you don't the mind would just draw borders.

even if your mind is not empty, it can be devil's workshop depending on what crap is being fed to it...
it's all game of "inputs--Processing--& output"...

1:25 AM  

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